天氣凍,衣物多了,在穿搭方面要利用厚薄衣物來做出不同層次,把腰綫顯露出來,才可以穿得又暖又時尚。試試這5個冬天配搭技巧 。
Its very easy to loose our body shape with thick clothes during winter. We can take balance between keeping warm and looking good by coordinating thick and thin materials in our outfits. Try these 5 styling tips to stay warm while still looking stylish under the cold weather.
上厚下薄混搭 Wear thick tops with thin bottoms
上薄下厚混搭 Wear thin tops with thick bottoms
內厚外薄 Wear Thick Tops with Thin Jackets
外厚內薄 Layer Thick Tops Over Thin Dress or Fitted Outfits
穿外套時,注意裡面腰線。Be Mindful of Waistline