3個選短靴貼士 3 Tips To Choose Short Boots

1. 筒高在腳眼至小腿肌肉位置


1. Height of The Boots Depends On Size of Your Calf

Avoid choosing boots that stop at the widest part of your calf, this will make your leg appear shorter and wider. Instead choose boots that sit between your ankle and calf. When the boots cut at the slimmest part of your legs, your legs will appear leaner and longer.

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2. 靴子的材質按腿型


2. Boots Material Based On Your Leg Shape

For those with wider lower legs, choose boots with stiff material such as cowboy boots. Alternatively, for those with thin legs, you may choose softer materials that wraps your legs to elongate them.

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3. 鞋跟比例按腿粗幼


 3. Thickness of Heels Depends on Your Bone Structure

Some of us are born with thin bone structure where some is born with wider bone structure. Even if you are thin, you may have a wider bone structure and vice versa. The design details of your boots such as the heels, buckles, zippers should be parallel to your bone structure. Choose a thin heel for those with a thin bone structure. On the other hand, for those with a wider bone structure, choose boots with a thicker heel.

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