5個讓您穿高的方法 5 ways to dress tall


Apart from wearing high heels, these styling methods will also make you appear taller:
1. 上下身同一顏色
Wearing same colour from top to bottom
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2. 有直線條的衣物
Wearing clothing with vertical lines
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3. 上衣的圖案背景和下身同色
Wearing print tops that has the same background as your bottom
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4. 褲和鞋同色,讓您的腿看起來更修長
Wearing pants and shoes in the same colour
myimagehk 穿高方法
5. 穿連身裙,短褲,露腿的下身時,穿搭米色鞋,讓您的腿看起來更長
Wearing beige shoes when you are showing off your legs
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