雜誌見到明星,模特兒染不同顔色頭髮,好想試下! 但染什麽顔色才適合我?
不要只跟著潮流來染髮色,要看您的膚色來決定!選錯了顔色,您會顯得好攰,選對了,您會顯得更白,輪廓, 面部特徵更突出。
您覺得顧問那個頭髮顔色最好看? 留言給我們分享!
Oooou new hair colour trends! I want to try too! But what colour suits me best?
Don’t just follow what’s in trend! Identify the best hair colour base on your skin colour! Choose the wrong colour, you could look tired and sloppy. Choose the right colour, you would appear fairer and make your facials features more prominent.
Which hair colour you like most on our consultant @Joyce Lee? Leave your thoughts in comment box!
We look the best when we wear colours that complements our skin colour. Do you want to know what colour best flatters you? We have a specialize colour analysis tool to help you identify the colours that makes you shine. Click here to find out more: https://goo.gl/MgK6oP
Upcoming Workshop: https://goo.gl/MgK6oP
Styling tips links: https://goo.gl/KBgdS4