[3] 個人顏色和體型分析服務 

[3] 個人顏色和體型分析服務 

  • 有時去活動/商會揀著咩衫好頭痛!
  • 想睇落無咁瘦/肥!
  • 如果我腿粗,著裙好D,定係著褲好D?
  • 去邊度可以買到適合我的衫?
  • 我著邊款外套會好睇D?
  • 我適合咩顏色??紅色?藍色?
  • 我適合咩髮型?
  • 咩眼鏡啱我?
  • 咩款的裙/褲先啱我?
  • 裙/褲的長度應該幾長?






Personal Colour & Bodyline Analysis

Objective: Our Image Consultant, Joyce will first analyse the blueprint of your natural skin tone and body figure and give you clothing recommendations to help you reach your dressing goals based on your lifestyle needs. After the consultation, you will enjoy the flexibility of wearing any colour within a spectrum of recommended colour tones. At the same time know which clothing styles that best flatters your body.

Time: 2 Hours
Location: Our Causeway Bay Studio
Price: $2600 per person

Upon joining the service, all photos taken at the consultation will be sent to you via Whatsapp/Wechat for your reference. 

All personal consultation is appointment based, please contact us to schedule a time. 


過去案例 Previous Cases:https://www.myimage.com.hk/blogs/styling-tips/personal-colour-bodyline-analysis

個人分析 形象顧問 服飾配搭 穿什麽顔色 皮膚顔色

*價錢及產品如有改動,恕不另行通知。Price and items are subject to change without prior notice.

