[5] 個人陪購服務
[5] 個人陪購服務
- 想試下新風格,但唔知去邊度買衫?
- 想知道咩品牌啱自己?
- 試完衫後想有專業意見!
- 行街時成日見到有D款好靚,但又唔夠膽去試!
- 短時間內可以買到一個季度的衫!
- 想實質到鋪頭學點樣配搭!
每小時:1560元 (首次服務最少3小時)
Personal Shopping
Objective: Our Image Consultant, Joyce will shop with you to fill the wardrobe gaps in your closet and to reach your dressing and lifestyle goals. It could be a missing blue tailor fit jacket that you need to emphasize power for client meetings or a pair of nude colour shoes to help elongate your legs, etc. Joyce will first pre-shop and pre-select the shops base on your budget prior to the meeting. This will help you save time and effort to find the items you need.
Time: 3 Hours
Location: Causeway Bay
Price: $4680
Upon joining the service, the photos taken during the shopping session will be sent to you via Whatsapp/Wechat.
All personal consultation is appointment based, please contact us to schedule a time.
過去個人陪購服務案例 Previous Personal Shopping Clients Caese: https://www.myimage.com.hk/blogs/womens/tagged/personal-shopping
*價錢及產品如有改動,恕不另行通知。Price and items are subject to change without prior notice.