[4] 個人衣服飾物重新配搭

[4] 個人衣服飾物重新配搭

  • 衣櫃爆滿衣服,但都係每日無衫著咁
  • 著黎著去都係最外面果幾件
  • 唔知點樣配搭
  • 配搭好悶,想改變一下
  • 唔想浪費左依家有的衣服
  • 想搵顧問俾D意見




每人收費3900元 (額外每小時收費1040元)


Wardrobe Review

Objective: Our Image Consultant, Joyce will review your existing wardrobe (including clothing and accessories) to determine those that are suitable for your currently lifestyle, colour tone and body figure. After the consultation, you will be able to instantly learn and explore new ways of dressing that flatters you. Joyce will recreate new outfits for you using your existing clothes. Based on experience, 3 hours consultation can create 30-50 new outfits, this will depend on the number of clothing you have.

Time: 3 Hours
Location: Our Causeway Bay Studio / Your Home
Price: $3900

Upon joining the service, the photos taken at the consultation will be sent to you via Whatsapp/Wechat.

We also offer service at your home; transportation cost will be quoted separately.

All personal consultation is appointment based, please contact us to schedule a time. 


 過去案例 Previous Cases:https://www.myimage.com.hk/blogs/womens/tagged/wardrobe-organization

*價錢及產品如有改動,恕不另行通知。Price and items are subject to change without prior notice.

